Meet Frank! The Convent recently moved and was warmly welcomed by the above squirrel at the new location. Frank has been very friendly and curious. Not so curious as to let me get too close to him but willing to let me open the screen door to take pictures of him from a distance. The weather in the midwest United States has been dangerously high so I put out a bowl of water for him and have been feeding him almonds. He really likes the almonds.
I was calling him "Squirrely" but I thought he deserved a proper name. I mulled over a couple ideas when the idea hit me to call him Frank aka St. Francis of Assisi. Why not?! He visits the convent daily and graciously accepts my offers of food and water. And if Frank is a girl squirrel I can easily call her Frankie or Francis.
St. Francis of Assisi - Frank the squirrel |
Sister Jane
Romans 14:8
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