
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

So It's Been a While

Dear Sisters,

Yes, I've been quiet for a bit.  Sorry about that.  I do have at least one larger post brewing - steeping would be a better term - and will share it out when the time is right.

I've been living in a new place for over 2 years and this summer noticed that a new Frank was making an appearance.  Odd, yes, but I was happy to see him.  I miss my Northern Frank.  This past weekend I got a couple new bird feeders and a squirrel feeder as well.   So far I've only put out the bird feeders as I need to grab my screwdriver and figure out the placement for the squirrel feeder on the bush in front of the window. 

I came down the stairs this morning to see the cats looking intently through the window at something outside.  I rounded the corner and saw that Southern Frank was enjoying the suet cake I had put out for the birds.  He made a mess of it but was thoroughly enjoying it.

It looks like I need to hang up the squirrel feeder I picked up this past weekend.  Soon.


Sister Jane
Psalm 18:30

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