
Friday, June 20, 2014

Randomly on a Friday

 This God -- His way is perfect;
the word of the LORD proves true;
He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  
Romans 8:18

Dear Sisters,

I have a few random thoughts to share on this Friday evening.  At this moment they are random but who knows, maybe I'll pull all of the randomness together by the time I'm done with the post.  Or maybe not. 

1. I've been quiet on the blog for much too long.  Happy things happened and then sad things happened and now it's time to start chatting with you again.

2.  I've chosen to look at my current circumstances as something in God's control. My heartbreak is in God's hands.  If I don't look at things this way, then I loose all hope.  I've learned that I need to trust God more and to cling to Him better. 

3. Prayer has been a great comfort these past few weeks.  I found out that a dear sister in the Lord was going through a struggle much worse than mine and so when I started to feel bad for myself, I started to pray for her instead.  I prayed for her; I prayed for others who were sick and hurting.  God used prayer to help me look past my own hurt and bring the hurt and pain of others to His feet.

4. I mentally placed my concerns, dreams, and prayers for reconciliation in little boxes and put those boxes in God's extremely capable hands.  From past experience, I've learned that I have to put those boxes in God's hands or I can't function.  I also have to be sure that I leave those boxes in God's hands.  Pulling them out of His care never does me any good. 

5. The verses at the beginning of the post are verses that I have quoted to myself a lot lately.  I am thankful that God put these words in front of me.  It is comforting to know that He has a purpose for me through this suffering.  I don't know what the purpose is fully yet, but knowing that God's way is perfect and that I can take refuge in Him is good thing to cling to. 

6. While some might call me a crazy cat lady, I'm really thankful that I have my cats.  I'm not sure if it's because of their age or if it's because they know something is up with me, but they've become really good lap cats recently.

7. Lord, help me to use my gift of singleness to bring glory to You.  It wasn't the gift I thought You were going to give me but I know it is the gift I have at this time. 

Thank you,
Sister Jane