
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Creatures and Snow

Guess what showed up this past week?  Snow!  I've been waiting for the stuff.  While I have family  members who got the green Christmas they wanted, I've always liked the white, fluffy stuff.  Driving in it isn't fun but I feel like the snow outside gives me a great excuse to make a bunch of tea and curl up under a blanket on the couch to knit and watch some tele. 

 My parents are helping me stay well stocked with corn cobs for the moment so I can keep the Franks & Francines well fed during this snow covered season.  I did move the cob holder higher on the post so as the snow gets deeper the cobs can still be munched upon.  

 A few days ago, I noticed that on the most friendly Frank, a gash was on his back.  Poor Frank!  I'm not sure what caused it but I'm happy that he is still the most friendly convent squirrel and really appreciates my treats for him.  He was a bit uncooperative with staying still or staying in the proper position so I could photograph his back.  It doesn't appear to be oozing or anything bad like that.  He appears to be on the mend.  :)

 A couple months ago before the weather got colder I was able to feed the friendliest Frank from my hand.  This is the best picture I could get of Frank eating an almond from my hand.  I did discover though that I have to present the nut in such a way that he can take it straight from my fingers.  He doesn't understand that concept of eating from the palm of my hand and I'm not willing to try that experiment again.  Why?  Because I would prefer not to have him nibble on my finger again and discover that it isn't a nut.  :)   It's okay.  No skin was broken in the process of that experiment.  I think my shots are up-to-date...
Before we move to the inside Convent creatures, here's a parting shot of one of the Franks sitting on the edge of a show covered branch.  I wish I could have zoomed in more on him.

As I conclude this post, here's a picture of S and T snoozing on the couch.  They've been really good lately, well T not so much.  I recently attend the midnight premiere of the Hobbit movie (awesome movie by the way) and so I didn't go to sleep until after 4am that day.  Around 8am T decided that I should be out of bed and so he began to meow LOUDLY and run around on the bed and jump on me.  I tried to inform him that I didn't have to get up until 11am when the alarm was set to ring.  He didn't care.  Finally I rolled out of bed and hobbled to the food dish which was already full to add another scoop of food to it to get T to leave me alone.  That did the trick and back to bed I went.  That 11am alarm was not a welcomed sound but I had an appointment to get ready for.  :)

I pray that you stay warm during the cold weather and that Christ remains the center of your life.  Maybe we should have another visit over a cup of tea soon.  :)

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Strength and Sanctuary

But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task,
until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end...
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever...
For me it is good to be near God; I have made the LORD GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Psalm 73: 16-17, 26, 28.

Most of my scripture reading takes place in the evening.  As you can see in the picture above, one of the Convent cats likes to join me during my quiet time.  Of the two cats, T is the only one who likes to be this close to me in the evening; he's usually laying at the foot of the bed letting me know that it's time to go to sleep and the one sleeping next to me taking up half the bed in the process.  He's also the one who wakes me up early on the weekends when I have a chance to sleep in, all because he wants more food in his food dish.  T finds comfort in my presence; sanctuary in the warmth that I share with him when he snuggles in close to me. 

When I read Psalm 73 a few months ago, I knew that it would become the basis of a post.  Little did I know that as this post percolated in the back of my mind, God would be with me through  circumstances in my life to show me more about His strength and the sanctuary He provides.

A short time ago, one of my grandmothers passed away.  Mentally, she left us a few years ago and in October her body was able to catch up. True, it is sad that she left this world but Heaven is a much better place for her.  This is something that many in the family have clung to during our time of loss.  Grandma surrendered her life to Christ many years ago so we know that she is praising God in Heaven as this post is read.

Even though one knows that Heaven is the best place for the Christian loved ones who have left us, there is often a desire to have something physical to bring comfort during troubled times.  It can be a hug or a shoulder to cry on.  During the funeral  I noticed that for my mom, it was holding onto dad's hand as they walked past grandma's casket one last time.  My parents are not publicly affectionate so seeing my parents holding hands made an impression on me.  I wish I could take the picture I have in my brain of that sight and frame it.  Yes, mom was relying on the strength that God was providing her to get through the time of loss but having dad there by her side was a great comfort to her.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart, I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

This is a great verse.  Unfortunately, I have forgotten to find my peace in Christ more times than I dare count.  I let my head get in the way of Christ's work in me through the troubled times in my life.  Sure I would pray and cry about the circumstances but deep down I knew and Christ knew that "I" was trying to figure MY way out of the circumstances and not HIS way.  I wanted a worldly peace, not the peace that Christ would place in me if I would just surrender my stubborn (and I do mean stubborn) will to Him.  That peace of God which is difficult to understand is a protection for my heart and mind (Philippians 4:7.) Sadly, a few 2x4* situations have had to occur in my life to remind me that my faith is to be in Christ and not myself or anything else around me.  I am to place Him first in my life.  If my actions do not spring forth from that faith in Christ then I am the one who has sinned (Romans 14:23.)

Read that verse in John again.  Christ didn't say that our lives would be easy.  He said He would provide us with peace and that we should take comfort in knowing that He's taken care of things for His followers.  Sometimes I need to kick myself and say:
Darn it!  Stop getting in His way!  He's got this.  Let Him be in the lead.  Step back!  Seriously, woman, what are you putting your faith in today?  Get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness.  Stop trying to be in control.  Hand over the issue / problem / choice to Him and leave it with Him!
My life in Christ is not meant to be the world's vision of perfection.  My life is to be in Christ, seeking His will, knowing that He is there to help me accomplish it.  Fulfilling His will is often done through trying circumstances, unpleasant losses, and painful situations.

The following are a few more verses that remind us from where our strength is to come; where we should seek sanctuary at all times, not just when things are troubling.  Read these verses thoughtfully, please.

If it had not been the LORD who was on our side when people rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us... Our help is in the name of the LORD who made heaven and earth.  Psalm 124: 2-3, 8

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.  Isaiah 43:1b-2

It is the LORD who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.  Deuteronomy 31:8

I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.  In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.  I can do all things through him who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:12-13.

No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am sure that neither death or life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8: 37-39.

Knowing that I can find strength and sanctuary in Christ doesn't mean that I should go out and do stupid things; that I should put my faith in something other than Christ.  Paul is pretty clear about this: What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace?  By no means!  Romans 6:15.  I really like how the King James Version says the last part: God forbid!  Here's my paraphrase for this verse and it should be read with lots of sarcasm.  "Really?!  You think that because He has done and will do all of these wonderful things for you, you think it's okay, that it is acceptable to go out and continue to live as though He's done nothing for you.  Please go have your heart examined because you really don't understand what Christ's love for you is."

Lord, please examine my heart today.  Forgive me for my lack of faith in You in ALL circumstances that come into my life.  Forgive me for not putting You first in all that I do because I have really messed up a good friendship with these bad choices.  I pray that I will put You first every day in all that I do.  I pray that the friendships You desire for me will grow with You in the center.  Lord, thank you for the strength and sanctuary You provide in all situations and for Your grace that has allowed me to live to this point today.  Amen

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

*2x4 moments are not real pieces of wood hitting me upside the head but maybe they should be.  These are times when God has had to point out that I wasn't putting Him first in my life.  Sometimes I believe He has done this through job losses, financial difficulty, and relationship struggles.  I pray that they will be few but I know that when they do happen it's because I had a lesson to learn or a lesson to continue to practice in putting Him first in all things.

ps: Some creature photos to share with you!
Someone decided to snuggle close and take a nap while I worked on this blog post.  :)
Another cute sleeping pose I just had to share!  Someone loves his momma.  :)
Frank / Francine enjoying what was left of the corn roll.  October 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Keeping His Promise

If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my rules,
if they violate my statues and do not keep my commandments, 
then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes,
but I will not remove from him my steadfast love or be false to my faithfulness.
I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips.
Psalm 89: 30-34

"Promises, promises, promises."  I think we all have either said this phrase or heard this phrase before.   It certainly isn't a positive one.  We say it when we don't believe that someone will keep their promise to do something.  It hurts when people don't keep their promises.  Keeping a promise can be really hard.  Sometimes we promise to do something without realizing the true cost of that promise.

In Scripture God's promises were often called covenants.  There are many covenants in Scripture, but  I do not intend this post to be an in-depth analysis of covenant theology.  Why? Because I'm not qualified to do so and because that's not the purpose of this post.  If you are interested I do encourage you to do your own Biblical study of God's covenants in Scripture. I know that I'm likely to leave out some important scriptures and not say enough about a particular covenant so please remember that this is a blog post and not a thesis or a book.  I plan to share what God wants me to share.  :)

Take a look again at the scripture at the beginning of this post.  Throughout the Old Testament, God created covenants with His people where He would provide for them if and when they fulfilled their part of the covenant.  When they didn't fulfill their end of the "bargain" God kept His promises by following through with punishment.  As you read through the Old Testament period after Solomon was king, you notice that punishment didn't always come through immediately.  God sent prophets to warn the people of their disobedience, to remind them to follow God's laws.  Sometimes the people repented.  "For great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do according to all that is written in this book." 2 Chronicles 34: 21

Unfortunately, most of the time the people didn't repent and God responded with the bad consequences as promised in His covenant.  "The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by his messengers, because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place.  But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising his words and scoffing at his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against his people, until there was no remedy." 2 Chronicles 36:15-16.  At one point many people in Jerusalem were killed and those left alive were captured and taken to Babylon.  "[The king of the Chaldeans] took into exile in Babylon those who had escaped from the sword, and they became servant to him and to his sons until the establishment of the kingdom of Persia, to fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths.  All the days that it lay desolate it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years." 2 Chronicles 36:20-21.

What I want to point out is that God kept His promises.  Good consequences were given when the people kept their part of the covenant.  When they didn't, then bad consequences were the result.  God never said "well, they didn't uphold their end of the bargain so I'm not going to uphold mine."  He kept His end of the "bargain" no matter what.

I find studying the Old Testament covenants to be an interesting thing.  Seeing God's hand at work through all of the promises made by both God and His people, promises kept by both God and His people, and promises not kept by His people is thought provoking.  Add to this a review of the New Covenant and you cannot but be amazed at how cool God is!

If you payed attention to the wording in the Old Testament covenants, you noticed that there are a lot of "if...then" statements.  "If my people will... then I will..."  While covenants were rooted in God, they were still conditional.  The people had a part to play, they had a responsibility to obey in order to receive the good consequences.  Switch over to the New Covenant and you find a change.  "...I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be my people...For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." Hebrews 8:10,12.

Notice that there are no "if...then" statements in the New Covenant.  All of the statements are "I will"!  To quote my Scofield: "The New Covenant rests upon the sacrifice of Christ and secures the eternal blessedness of all who believe.  It is absolutely unconditional and, since no responsibility is by it committed to man, it is final and irreversible." 

To quote a friend "WOW!"  This is powerful stuff.  This covenant does not rest of me.  Good thing because I'm not perfect.  But Jesus is and this covenant rests in Him and on His sacrifice on the cross.

He will not violate His covenant, His promise.  This is powerful!  When God promises something, He keeps His promise.  He will not forget it either.   "He remembers His covenant forever..." Psalm 105:8

One's faith, hope, and trust should not be on each other because we cannot keep our promises.  We try to keep the promises we make.  God does not need to "try" to keep a promise.  He will always keep His promises.   "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

Where have you placed your faith?  I hope it is in the One who keeps His promises!

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Creature Update:
Frank has become very friendly but can you blame him.  I'm the nice person who feeds him almonds which are much tastier than other seeds or corn.  I had him almost eating out of my hand back in August, when the above picture was taken.  Yes, he still has the bad habit of climbing the screen.  I'm hoping that he gets that habit out of his system quickly.

 Isn't he just adorable?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Frank Update

Dear Sisters,

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything new for the Convent.  Sure, I have excuses for being absent but they aren't good ones.  I've pulled my resources together today, made a pot of tea, and have sat down to update the Convent calendar. Won't you join me for a cup of tea?

As of the publishing of this post, the October Prayer and Bible Reading Calendar has been updated.  I'm spending some time going back and filling in the scriptures for previous months because I want the calendar to be complete.  I also don't want to have to update these calendar items next year so I'm tweaking the settings to do a yearly repeat.  How does your tea taste? 

I've been deep in thought about some things lately.  The stress at my day job has been high and unfortunately I've been one of the complainers too.  Technology seems to be dying all around me: work computer died, my dvd player died, and my personal laptop is limping along.  Is your tea too hot or too cold or just right?

I'm missing my friends who live in another state and even the friends that live in this state.  Facebook helps a little bit with keeping up with events in my friends lives but it's my own fault for failing to initiate the contact with them to see how they are doing.  I stepped out of my usual modus operandi to contact those people I've been missing to see how they are doing.  I had some good conversations with them via text which helped me feel better and provided me with some good prayer items that I can take to the Lord on their behalf.  Do you need a little sugar for your tea?

There is one friend that I've tried to have a conversation with but it hasn't happened.  I've sent texts.  Sometimes I get a short response while other times I get no response at all.  I know that something isn't okay on their end and I fear that it's because of something I have said that was interpreted incorrectly.  I've prayed about it along with asking for the conviction of the Holy Spirit if I have in anyway sinned against this person.  I don't believe that I have but I know that something has upset this person.  I am aware that they have a lot going on in their life currently, some of it based on things in the present while other things are based on events in the past.  I continue to place this person in the Lord's hands because I can't do anything else for them.  I also know that for my own sanity and emotional well-being I can't let their problems and lack of contact pull me down into their depressionary pit.  I have my own depressionary pits with which to deal.  I pray that someday there will be a conversation that clears the air and we can move forward in the direction that God wants our friendship to proceed (Philippians 3:13-14).  Would you like a refill of your tea?

I've been struck with the conviction to forgive lately.  This came through especially today with a lesson that I had to teach to the young ones at church.  The lesson was on the second part of Matthew 6:12 - "...and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors."  Take a moment and think about this verse.  Now go read Matthew 18:21-35.  Seriously, go read it.  I'll wait and sip my tea while you read the passage.

Whatever another person has done to me is so small in comparison to what was required to forgive me and all of us of our sins.  Christ's life had to be taken, His blood had to be spilt to cover all of our sins in order for God's wrath against me to be satisfied.  I have been forgiven so much so I should forgive others for the incredibly big and small things they have done to me.  Because on the scale of things, those things I see as big really aren't big at all.   Consider Luke 7:47 "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven -- for she loved much.  But he who is forgiven little, loves little."  I have been forgiven so much so not only should I forgive just as much, I should also love much.  Do you have trouble loving others and forgiving them?  If you're having trouble, it's because you are trying to do it in your own strength.  It's not going to work.  True forgiveness and true love for others comes through the power of Christ not ourselves. 

I pray that we will continue to forgive others as God has forgiven us and to love others with a great love because of the forgiveness that we have received.

Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea.  Would you like to stay for another cup?  I made a fresh pot. :)

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Now for the animal Frank update: My parents don't have any grandchildren so they dote on their grand "cats" instead (these are the Convent cats).  They've also decided to help with supplying treats for Frank.  The corn cobs came from them while I dashed off to the store to buy a cob holder to hold them.  I have my eye on a different kind of squirrel feeder but I need to save up for that one.  All I can say is that the Franks and Francines of the area are enjoying the treats.  The original Frank is still the friendliest of them all.  :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Process and Inspiration

Dear Sisters,

So.  I've had a post in the works for about a week.  This post is not that post.  The work on that post is what has created this post.

As I read through Scripture I ask God to speak to my heart about things He wants me to know and apply to my life.  I seek His inspiration in my life from His Word.  Sometimes that inspiration leads to a blog post.  From that inspiration I begin a process of research in Scripture to clearly understand what God wants me to share with others through the blog.  

The process of research may involve dictionaries, my KJV Scofield Bible, and the Strong's Concordance as well as further searching of Scripture and conversations with God about what He's wants to say through me.  I then plot out the post because I don't like them to appear disorganized and I want His Message to come through clearly.  Now, I know that God can take a mess that I assemble and create meaning through it for the person reading it.  I just don't like written pieces to be disjointed if I can avoid it. 

The final part of the process of course includes writing down the post and praying that God will use it the way He wants to use it.  The writing part is where I'm currently stuck in the process of that post. 

Why?  Because God has been providing more inspiration!  My scripture readings keep bringing up more and more verses that I could use in that post.  Recent worship songs at church and songs I've heard on the radio have also inspired.  

I just felt the need to share that God can inspire us in many different ways.  He is so awesome that way.  I am a process person; I enjoy the creating of things and can find it annoying at times when that process is delayed.  Truly, I haven't liked waiting this long to complete that post but God is asking me to sit back and wait for more inspiration from Him.  Waiting isn't easy but if I rush it, I don't think His Message will be what He wants it to be.

To all of my process Sisters out there, be patient.  Maybe God wants to inspire you even more so that's why it's taking longer for  you to complete the process you currently have in mind.  Please continue to seek His direction in your process and be open to His inspiration.

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Quiet Place

But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray.  Luke 5:16.
And after He had dismissed the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray... Matthew 14:23.
...He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed.  Mark 1:35

If you've been with the Sisters in their challenge, you know that we just passed the 3 month mark.  Personally I'm about a week behind but I'm quickly getting back on track.  Have you fallen behind as well?  It's okay if you have.  Are you still making an effort to meet the challenge?  I hope so.

This brings me to my topic of focus for this post: do you have a quiet place in which you can meet the challenge?

During my recent scripture readings, I noticed in Luke that it said that Jesus withdrew to desolate places and prayed.  The word "desolate" struck me as an interesting word to use.  Reading through the Bible again in the ESV has introduced me to different words than my previous readings in the KJV.  As I researched for more verses on this theme in both the ESV and KJV I found the word "desolate" used both times in the ESV but in the KJV, the words used were "wilderness" and "solitary."  My curiosity was piqued so I pulled out my concordance* to see if the words in the KJV had the same or different root word in Greek.  According to what I found, the Greek word for both "wilderness" and "solitary" was eremos - meaning lonesome, wasteland, desert, desolate.  Interesting.

Jesus chose to separated Himself when He was deep in prayer.  He became solitary.  He didn't bring His disciples with Him.  They may have been nearby but Jesus chose a place where He wouldn't be distracted; where He could completely focus on communing with God the Father.

Imagine a desolate place in your head.  Describe that place.  What does it look like?  What does it sound like?  To me a desolate place is one doesn't have a lot of visual distractions.  A desert fits this definition for me.  Yes, deserts have great natural beauty, that I do not deny.  But my vision of a desert doesn't have a television playing in the background.  The desolate place I have imagined is basically quiet as well.  Oh, there's the hum of the fan and the sounds of the cats as they walk around the convent but I don't have the radio on nor the tv.  To me a desolate place is one with few visual and auditory distractions. 

Now that we've described desolate for ourselves, let's see what the dictionary says:
Webster's Definition of Desolate:
1: devoid of inhabitants and visitors : deserted
2: joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one <a desolate widow> 
3a : showing the effects of abandonment and neglect : dilapidated <a desolate old house> b : barren,  lifeless <a desolate landscape> c : devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope : gloomy <desolate memories>
I do not disagree with the second and third definitions of desolate but I do not believe that our quiet places should fit those definitions.  We should find joy in our quiet place.  We are not separated from our loved One; we are closer to Him and falling deeper in love with Him while in our quiet place.  If we do not have regular time in our quiet place our spiritual life will definitely show the effects of neglect.  Our quiet place should provide us with comfort and hope.

I want my quiet place to be one where I can focus on what God is trying to tell me.  If I'm distracted by motion or sound, then I can't listen to Him and His message for me.   

Everyone's quiet place is different.  Sometimes mine is on the couch with no tv or radio; only the additional presence of the convent cats.   Many times my quiet place is sitting up in bed, propped up with pillows for my time of prayer and scripture reading.  For some, their quiet place might be the rocking chair on the porch or the comfy chair in the sitting room.  It could even be driving in the car.  I had a job one time that required about a half an hour of travel each way by highway.  I tended to spend most of my drives home just pouring out my heart to God, telling Him about my day and asking for His advice and help.  Honestly I miss those long drives.  One's quiet place varies for everyone.

Just as the place varies from person to person, I know that the time of one's quiet place also varies from person to person.  I know there are some who declare that one must always go to their quiet place in the morning.  Yes, there are examples in scripture of those who would go to their quiet place in the morning.  Maybe they were morning people and the fog quickly lifted from their brains allowing them to seek God's face clearly in the morning.  Some of us, well, we aren't morning people. There are also examples of night owls in scripture.  Personally, my quiet place is best visited in the evening.  For me it is the way of shedding all of the day's troubles, mistakes, and sins and handing them over to God.  Scripture talks about not going to bed angry (Ephesians 4:26) so I feel it's best for me to go to my quiet place before I go to bed so I can have a restful sleep and wake up ready to follow God's will for me the next morning.  I'm not guaranteeing a restful sleep** just because one prays at night, but if I've cast all of my cares on God before sleeping and I remember to leave those cares in His hands, about what do I need to worry?

Please find your quiet place; create it if you need to.  Just be sure to visit it on a regular basis.  :)

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

* Yep, I'm still that girl who has a Strong's Concordance in her library.
**Personally, I need to be sure to lay off sugar in the evenings.  I get the weirdest dreams when I indulge my sweet tooth.  :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

By Choice

Now as a concession, not a command, I [Paul] say this.  I wish that all were as myself am.  But each has [her] own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.  To the unmarried and widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am...Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to [her], and to which God has called [her].  This is my rule in all the churches...And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit...and [she] who marries does well, and [she] who refrains from marriage will do even better.
1 Corinthians 7: 6-8, 17, 34, 38.
Dearest Sisters,

Do you sometimes feel like the world and the church is saying it's wrong that we are single?  What a burden to bear.  Please banish this burden from your pretty, brilliant heads and hearts!  

Normally I do my best to keep quiet on the "single" issue because I believe that living in God's Will is more important than if one is single or not.  But a recent church news item has bugged me and I feel the need to encourage fellow Sisters who may be struggling under the pressure of those who believe our singleness is wrong.  

The news I read was in an insert that touted that it was sharing "significant news for Christians; news that's encouraging - some disturbing."  In a short article titled "Marriage Nearly Minority in US", it was revealed that the marriage rate has decreased to 51% and that this decrease is dangerous.  Really!?!  A 49% and rising single population is dangerous?  Could someone please point out where it says in the Bible "Thou shalt be married"?  Sisters, we are not dangerous!  We are not doing anything wrong by being single.  We are single because we choose to be in God's Will.  At this moment, He wants us to be single.  When He chooses, He will show those who are to be married that they should be married and provide for that relationship to happen.  

Yes, Scripture does say that we should be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).  I'm not going to disagree with God's Word.  What about the barren?  Are they in the wrong because God has not allowed them to have children?   Here are some of my thoughts on the matter.  Am I spreading God's Word?  Am I discipling new believers? Am I strengthening my fellow believers in their walk?  If you can answer "yes" to any of these questions, I believe you are being fruitful and multiplying the family of God.

Singleness is a gift!  Marriage is a gift!  We are not all meant to receive the same gifts.  Think about it.  I love fiber arts.  I have a friend who loves rock climbing and mountain bike riding.  Giving my friend a gift of roving to spin into yarn is not a good gift for her.  Giving me a gift of rock climbing shoes would not be a good gift for me.  But each has [her] own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. 1 Corinthians 7:7b.  God has gifted each of us differently.  Sisters, God gave us the gift of singleness and it should not be considered a bad gift.  If God chooses to gift a person with the gift of marriage, then they hand back the gift of singleness and thank God for their new gift.

I've done the dating thing.  The first guy was nice but he wasn't the guy God wanted for me.  The second guy I was sure was the one God had picked out for me (maybe he still is but maybe we both have some growing to do before God's Will has us together or maybe he isn't) but right now God wants me to be single.  I am not a man-hater; I just choose not to search for a relationship that could lead to marriage because God's Will doesn't want me to do that right now.  If God wants me to be married, He will provide the right guy and will let us both know that this is His Will for us.  Choosing to be in God's Will is better than anything else.

For those who are married and reading this post, please reflect on things you have said around your single friends.  Saying things like "the right man will come your way, or you'll be a great wife, or you're the marrying kind" really don't recognize the gift of singleness that your single friends have.   Be honest with yourself; there are times when you've wished you had the singleness gift and not the married gift.

Sister, please choose to follow God's Will for your life.  Not the world's will and not the will of fellow believers.  Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to [her], and to which God has called [her]. I Corinthians 7:17.

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8
ps. If you would like to discuss with Sister Jane regarding her posts but are uncomfortable posting your comments or questions here, please contact her at stnnmconventATgmailDOTcom. Thank you!

What do you mean screens aren't meant for climbing?
Creature Update: Frank has decided that the screen is meant to be crawled upon.  I had to inform him that he was incorrect.
Naughty Frank!

Monday, July 23, 2012


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  
Luke 12:34

Did you ever go on a treasure hunt as a child?  Treasure hunts can come in many forms: Easter egg hunts, scavenger hunts, or the hunt to find that missing sock.  We look around, we follow the clues, we jump for joy when we find for what we've been searching.

The idea of treasure has been on my mind lately.  Recently I helped a friend with her week of girls summer camp.  The theme for their week was "Hidden Treasure" and I happened to have access to a number of GPS units.  What do GPS units, treasure, and camp have to do with each other, you may be asking?  Have you heard of geocaching?  It's a great activity that involves hi-tech treasure hunting all over the world.   I was able to create a series of geocaches on the camp's grounds and through clues in the form of Bible verses and the use of the GPS units the girls were able to search for the caches and claim their treasures.  The treasures varied but there were a number of puzzle pieces the girls were to collect while on their treasure hunt.  Those pieces were joined together at the end of the week to produce a completed puzzle that bore the week's verse: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:34.  The project was cool but my greatest hope is that the girls were able to come away from camp, with all of the various activities in which they participated, with Biblical treasure stored in their hearts.

Treasure.  Treasure means different things to different people.  Some people like their treasures big; others like their treasures small.  What do you treasure?  Proverbs 2:3-5 says we should seek wisdom and understanding: Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.  Colossians 2:2b-3 speaks a similar theme: To reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Wisdom is a treasure we should diligently seek.  Where can we find it?  In Christ!  I believe as Christians we understand this basic truth.  But with that understanding do we apply it to ourselves?  Personally, there's no way I can say that I apply it on a regular basis.  Of this I am ashamed and kick myself every time I'm convicted of my choices and my failure to seek His wisdom for me.

The things we treasure are those things we seek on which to spend our time.  Lately I've chosen to spend my time watching a lot of TV; not the best choice.  I've had the theme of this post in mind for at least 2 weeks and now I'm finally sitting down to work on it.  My priorities, my treasures, were not on Godly things unfortunately.  Yes, I made time daily to read Scripture but I didn't allow myself extra time to read or to study it further.  My heart hasn't been in the right place because my treasure hasn't been in the right place either. 

As I researched Scripture to complete this post I came a upon an interesting theme regarding treasure: fear.  The fear of the LORD is Zion's treasure.  Isaiah 33:6b  I can't say that I've really thought of fear as a treasure before, but it makes sense.  The fear mentioned here does not mean to cower.  Here in this verse it has a meaning of being reverent.*  Am I truly fearing the Lord; putting Him in His proper place in my life?  This kind of reverent fear is a true treasure.  Surrendering to His will for my life is the reverence that the Lord deserves from me.  I am nothing without Him.  I wouldn't exist without Him and to think that I can do anything on my own is foolishness.  My fear, my reverence,  places me in His will so He can provide for me the way He has always wanted.  Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!  Psalm 31:19
In the previous paragraphs I've spoken of treasure as something that we are to seek and store in our hearts.  Now consider this verse: For you are a people holy to the LORD your God.  The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 7:6.  We are His treasure!  In the KJV it says we are His "special people."  Wow!  God has sought me out as a treasure of His own!  Yes, I am still to seek Him all the time but the fact that He wants me as His own personal treasure.. Wow!  This is a concept that is almost hard to put into words.  Read the verse again and think about what it means.  He treasures me, He treasures you!  Remember this when you are struggling to love a fellow Christian who isn't easy to love.

You may have recognized the ring in the picture at the beginning of this post.  Yes, it is the ring from The Lord of The Rings.  I chose it because I remember Gollum's** behavior regarding the ring.  He called it "my precious."  He sought after it, kept watch over it, not wanting anyone else to take it away from him.  Are we like that with what God wants us to treasure?  Maybe we aren't currently at that point.  I know I'm working on it.  With God's help, I am able to treasure more of Him every day; to seek His treasures for me more each day. 

Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 2:11.  Our actions show what we treasure.  Our actions show what is in our hearts.  Are we striving for what God wants for us or what the world says we should treasure?

What treasures are in your heart? 

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

*I looked up the Hebrew.  Yes, I'm a girl with a Strong's Concordance on her bookshelf.  Yes, I'm a geek.  :)
** I am NOT suggesting that we follow the entire example of Gollum with respect to the ring, his treasure.

Creature update:  The Convent's cats have recently discovered Frank.  They enjoy watching him through the screen door.  I'm thankful the door is there or the cats would have chased him away by now.  Also a woodchuck visited the water bowl recently.  That was not expected.  It was a quick visit so I wasn't able to get a picture of him to share with you.
The Convent cats saying "hello" to Frank.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Meet Frank

Time for a light-hearted post, sisters.  :)

Meet Frank!  The Convent recently moved and was warmly welcomed by the above squirrel at the new location.  Frank has been very friendly and curious.  Not so curious as to let me get too close to him but willing to let me open the screen door to take pictures of him from a distance.  The weather in the midwest United States has been dangerously high so I put out a bowl of water for him and have been feeding him almonds.  He really likes the almonds.

I was calling him "Squirrely" but I thought he deserved a proper name.  I mulled over a couple ideas when the idea hit me to call him Frank aka St. Francis of Assisi.  Why not?!  He visits the convent daily and graciously accepts my offers of food and water.  And if Frank is a girl squirrel I can easily call her Frankie or Francis.

St. Francis of Assisi - Frank the squirrel
Frank suits him well, don't you think?  :)

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Sunday, July 8, 2012


It dawned on me this past week that I hadn't yet updated the reading and prayer calendar for the month of July.  I'm sorry about that.  My day job has kept me busy for the past 3 weeks and a recent move has left me disorganized.  I have another post in the works as well so after I update the calendar I will work to have the next post up by the end of the week.  Thank you for your patience with me.

Have a great week.  If you live in the midwest of the United States, pray for rain!

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Dear Sisters,

Please do not think that as the founder and current main writer for the Convent that Sister Jane must be perfect.  Goodness, I am far from it.  First, I am human.  This means that I'm far, and I do mean far, from perfect.  I confess to you now that I have and will make mistakes.

We are about a month and a half into our current year-long challenge and I'm here to confess that the past 2 weeks have been hard for me to follow the plan.  I confess that I have allowed the things going on around me to distract me from an important task at hand.  Staying in His Word and praying for His world are important things to do and I confess that I haven't been reading and praying as I ought to over the past 2 weeks. 

Are you struggling as well?  Has something popped up in your life to distract you?  Maybe nothing has yet and you are rolling along through the reading and prayer.  Good for you!  Maybe your struggling time is yet to come.

Please, if you are struggling or if you aren't would you take the time right now to pray for your fellow Sisters.  Pray for them as they struggle with making the time to be refreshed by prayer and reading His Word.  Pray for those who aren't struggling that they will learn from His Word and seek to apply it to their lives. 

Remember to keep each other in prayer.  We all struggle with different things in our lives that may distract us from following God's will for us.  Pray for each other as your way to show your love for each of your Sisters.  You may not know each other yet but that's okay.  I don't know all of my Christian family yet either.  I'll have plenty of time to chat with each one when we meet in Heaven!

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why I Blog

I blog because I believe that God has given me words to share with others. The blog gives me a platform to share these words without violating the ban on women preachers in many protestant circles.

I blog to support those who walk with God.  I blog to support my fellow Sisters as we walk through life with God at our side.

I blog because I can and I believe God wants me to.

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Sunday, June 3, 2012

With All Your Heart

... Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all  your heart...Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart.  For consider what great things he has done for you. 
I Samuel 12:20, 24. (ESV)

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  Matthew 22:37 (ESV)

If you've been keeping up with the Sisters' reading schedule, you've finished 1 Samuel by now.  I hope that in your reading you ran across the  first verse that I listed above.  When I sit down to read my daily scripture passages, I ask God to speak to me through what I read in His Word; to show me at least one important thing from the passage.  I was struck by the many times "heart" came up in a couple scripture passages that I was reading in 1 Samuel.

Samuel, the last judge of Israel, was warning the people about their actions.   This was not the first warning  the Israelites had received about their actions and heart placement.  Read the book of Judges; it's full of the cycles of following God with all their heart, falling away from following God, persecution or trouble  because of the falling away, a confession of their sins, and a return to loving God with all their hearts.  In 1 Samuel 7:3 Samuel warned the people to "put away the foreign gods... and direct your heart to the Lord and serve him only." The next verse says that the people put away their gods and only served God.  And if you've studied the Old Testament at all, you know that service didn't last long.

I pondered a couple things.  What happened to the Israelites that caused them to fall away from loving God with all their heart? Do those same things happen to us?  The answer to the later question is simple: yes.  The answer to the former question is both simple and not so simple.  Simple because the answer is that they no longer loved God with all their heart.  The not so simple part is why they no longer loved the Lord with all their heart.   Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5 (ESV)  We are human.  We are distracted by the things of the flesh.  We see those who aren't Christians getting what they want: new toys, better cars, more money.  And we desire those things as well even though these things may not be part of God's Will for us.  We end up looking to each other or our selves for answers instead of trusting God; not a good thing to do.

Please do not think that I'm only preaching to the readers of this blog.  I am preaching to myself on this matter.  I struggle daily with where my heart is at in God's will for me.  I don't often enough review my activities and actions and ask myself if my choices demonstrate loving God "with all my heart" and then as a result change my actions.  There have been times when I haven't loved God with all my heart that God has chosen to hit me upside the head with a 2x4.  Not a real one but I think you understand.  I don't like those 2x4 moments.  But I do know that those moments are meant to pull me back to loving God with all my heart.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.  Jeremiah 17: 7-8 (ESV)

When we love the Lord with all our heart, we are like the tree in the verse above.  We don't need to fear what may come our way.  In our struggles we should draw upon Him, knowing that He only wants what is best for us.  Remember, our idea of what is best for us isn't always God's idea. 

What it comes down to is this: moment by moment we need to love God with all our heart.  Loving God with all our heart may require starting new habits and putting away the bad habits.  We can't do it on our own.    Prayer and reading scripture draw us close to Him as well as moment by moment asking for His help to keep our heart focused on Him.  Don't be afraid to discuss your struggles with a trusted Christian friend.  They may have been through similar struggles and can offer support and prayer. 

My prayer for the Sisters is that we will each love God with all our heart.  Please pray for each other in the spirit of Epaphras (Colossians 4:12).

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

Saturday, June 2, 2012

One Month In

There's another post in the making but I wanted to check in the rest of the virtual family.

At the beginning of May the Sisters began their new challenge to again read through the Bible and pray for the entire world in a year.  There have been a few days of getting behind on the reading and not praying.  It's bound to happen.  When we feel like we're failing at our challenge, the Sisters have reminded themselves that the goal was to read the Bible through in a year, not to read the Bible every day.  We do strive to read every day but there are times that our human side fails at this effort.

The nice thing about the reading plan the Sisters chose is that it has built in days to allow a person to catch up with their reading if they fall behind.  Are you using the reflection days?  I know I am.  Continuing a previous habit is easy but starting a new one is hard.

I'm here to encourage you.  Don't give up.  If you've fallen behind, that's okay.  Pray and ask God to help you desire to be in His Word.  Choose to start fresh each day with the purpose to read the Word and to learn from it.

You can do it!

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

PS: The reading plan can be found at the Sisters The Need No Misters Convent website.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mothers Are Awesome!

Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice.  Proverbs 23:25 (ESV)

The United States just recently celebrated Mother's Day.  While many could complain that it has been highly commercialized, which it has, some people chose to celebrate it with their moms and show their appreciation for their mom's efforts to raise them.

I spent part of Mother's Day with my mom and one of my grandmothers.  My move back to my home state allowed me a chance to do more than just a phone call for Mother's Day.  My mom is great (even if she didn't want us to pay for her dinner on Sunday).  She set an example for my brother and I to follow.  She's a prayer warrior just like her mom.  She has a great listening ear for when I need someone to talk to.

We are molded by our mothers, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad.  I'm not blind to the fact that there are people out there who have done a horrible, terrible job of being parents.  This does not mean that we are not responsible for our own choices and actions.  We learned how to treat people based on how our moms treated people.  Maybe we learned how NOT to do something because we were embarrassed by our mom's actions or didn't like how our mom did something.

Some women are unable to physically have children.  Those women so desire to have a child that I ache for them in their sadness.  It pains them to see those who can have children misuse this ability and gift.

Ladies, I think we all have the opportunity to be a "mom" to someone at some point in our lives.  Some sisters in the Convent do have physical children but many do not. As a pastor friend put it so nicely, we can be a "mother at heart" even if God has not chosen for us to be a physical mother.  Maybe you have an opportunity to be a "mother at heart" through volunteer activities or even your job.  Maybe you can be the support that another mom needs as she raises her kids. 

So, my female readers, are you a "mother at heart?" 

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

ps: to my readers in Germany and Russia, thank you for reading the blog!  
pss: major apologies for the choppiness of this post.  I'd tried to smooth it out but it didn't work like I wanted.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What's In a Name?

... and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.  Matthew 1:21 (ESV)
... He was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.  Luke 2:21 (ESV)
 ... and shall call His name Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14 (ESV)
...and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6 (ESV)

When we are born, our parents give us a name.  The name we bear may have special meaning.  Maybe it's a family name.  Maybe we were named after someone special in our parents' lives and they thought us worthy to carry that name.  The name we bear may not have any special meaning.  Maybe our parents liked the sound of our name.  Maybe they wanted to give a name that couldn't be shortened into a nickname.  Maybe we bear a name that is different and unique from any other name.

It's possible that we do not use the name that we received at birth.  Maybe we go by our middle name instead of our first name.  Maybe we are called by a nickname that isn't even close to a shortened version of our first name.  Maybe we think names aren't special.  Remember that Shakespeare quote:
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet." from Romeo and Juliet

Admittedly I jumped on the idea of a virtual convent because I was upset by the loss of someone who I thought cared for me.  At first I wanted to call the convent the "Sisters That Need No Mister" but as this is a religious convent it almost gave the meaning that we don't need God in our lives.  I thought the name through a couple more times and decided that adding an "s" to the end of "Mister" would solve the problem. 

The Convent and blog have provided me with the opportunity to pick a new name for myself.  This is not because I don't like or appreciate the name my parents gave me. Due to the public nature of what is written here, I decided to use a nom de plume for my own safety.  (There are crazy people out there, you know.)  After making this decision, I took time to think about the name I would give myself.  What kind of meaning did I want my new name to have?  I thought about names that I've used before on message boards I used in college.  I thought about names that I would have given my own daughter if I were to ever have one.  I thought about names that I liked in general.  In the end I chose Sister Jane because it is the name of the main character in my favorite book Jane Eyre.  Jane is a character that was able to hold up her head through many difficulties.  She kept pressing on through the struggles in her life.  Yes, Jane has been considered a plain, simple name but I needed a name that would remind me of a simple fact that God loves me and has my best interests in mind (Romans 8:28). Jane is also the name I would have given my own daughter as a middle name if I were to marry and have children of my own. 

This post began with a series of verses that point to the names of our Savior.  The names of Christ have a lot of meaning.  Christ's earthly parents were told what to name their son indicating that He was born to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21).  He was born to be "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14).  That's pretty cool!  Think about it.  God is WITH us! To be "with" someone is to be completely and utterly present; that's my interpretation of the word, anyway.  God is "completely and utterly present" in our lives.  This is an awesome thought! 

Christ's names reflect who He is.  He is a counselor, the mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace, with us, and savior.  I know that some would argue that Christ doesn't reflect peace.  "Look at all of the conflict going on in the world today," they might say.    I'm not blind to the fact that this world is full of conflict.  My prince provides peace to His children.  "...for those who love God all things work together for good..." Romans 8:28 (ESV).  The peace provided is not something the rest of the world can understand.  It is a peace that comes from knowing that even in the midst of conflict, God has a plan and He is working it out.  What is happening is not without purpose.  If you aren't a Christian, this doesn't sound peaceful.  You are correct because you are looking at this as an outsider.  I don't expect you to truly understand that the names of Christ truly reflect who He is and what He does for His family.

So, what is really in a name?  In my opinion, nothing.  A name is a name.  A name does not determine who we are, what we do, or what our purpose in life will be.  My name, your name, our names should not define us.  Although, our names can reflect who we are. Simon was given the name Peter to reflect what he was to become: the rock upon which the church was to be built (Matthew 16:18).  Read Peter's first sermon.  There the working of the Holy Spirit through Peter's sermon increased the Christian family by 3,000 (Acts 2:14-41).  Are you reflecting the work God is doing in your life?  If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose?  A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches... Proverbs 22:1 (ESV) Would the name you choose reflect His work in you?  I hope so.

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

ps: While the Convent has been created to support single women, I hope that these blog posts have been meaningful all who read them: female, male, single, or married.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Up for a challenge?

So, are you up for a challenge?  I know I am.  

Truly, I don't always respond positively to challenges but this is one that I think God wants me to accept.  Would you be willing to join the Sisters of the convent as we challenge ourselves this next year?  What is the challenge you may ask?  Well, we have challenged ourselves to read through the Bible again this next year.  Some of us were able to meet the challenge last year and want to challenge ourselves to do it again.  Additionally we have challenged ourselves to pray for the entire world this next year.  This challenge was not met very well last year so we decided to challenge ourselves again. 

Why read the Word? Why not!  If I truly love my savior, wouldn't I want to listen to Him and get to know Him better?  A quick glance through Psalms 119 gave the Sisters enough reasons to choose to repeat the scripture reading challenge this next year.
Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.  Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me... I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your word...Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.  Psalm 119:97-98, 101, 104 (ESV)
The scripture is full of references I could use to convince you to make the choice to read His Word.  Go ahead, read the Word and find some for yourself.   I can't give all of the references to you; that wouldn't make this a challenge for you.

Why pray for the world?  Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you. 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (ESV) We need to pray that the Lord's work continue in all countries around the world.  His Word needs to spread.  I can't personally travel to all of the countries around the world and share the gospel.  God has not provided me with those kinds of funds but He also hasn't gifted me with the ability to speak many languages to make the sharing of His Word possible. He has provided me with a desire to pray that others fulfill His work abroad while I seek to fulfill His work here.  My job, my church, and the Convent are my ministry locations; my Jerusalem (Acts 1:8.) I will pray for and support those who have been called of God to go out into the rest of the world to do His work.

If you've decided to join the Sisters, we have posted our Bible Reading and Prayer Calendar on the Convent's website for assistance as you meet your challenge this next year.  If two challenges are too much for you, just pick one challenge to meet this year.

Please join the Sisters in our challenge.  May God speak to you and guide you as you dig deeper into His Word.

Sister Jane
Romans 14:8

ps: For those who know Sister Jane personally, thank you for letting me know that you've been reading the blog.  It warms my heart. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


A year ago, I lived in a different state.  A state that I moved to because I couldn't find a job in my home-state.  I lived in this other state for a little over four years before God called me back to my home-state.  This move was met with tears of joy and sorrow by both me and my friends in the other state and my home-state.  This other state had a little country church that I attended for most of the time I lived there.  It wasn't until the fall before I moved back that I finally started attending a Sunday School class at that little country church.  I know that some questioned why it took me so long but I had my reasons.  Ever since my move to the state, I'd been wanting to go back to my home-state.  I knew that once I started attending Sunday School the relationships I would have at the church would grow and deepen making it harder to leave when God answered my prayer to return to my home-state.

I joined the Sunday School class as the class was working through the book Radical by David Platt.  If you haven't read it, you should.  As we finished the book in class, we were challenged by our teacher to do the Radical Experiment for a year, beginning April 24, 2011.  I don't mention the book or the experiment because I'm trying to sell you something; far from it.  I mention the experiment because it is a good thing for you to consider.

As I looked at the 5 challenges I needed to work on for the year, I realized that a couple of them were things that I was already doing.  I also realized that there were a couple that I needed to do.  I set out this past year to read the entire Bible through in a year.  I also started working on the challenge to pray for the entire world throughout the year but I was unable to keep up on that challenge.  I did pray every night as I did my Bible reading but I wasn't able to keep up with the countries.

By God's grace I was able to read the Bible through this past year and this past Saturday I finished the last couple chapters of Revelation to meet the challenge.  I've been a Christian for a number of years; I've grown up in a Christian home; and I've attending Christian school and Christian university.  Unfortunately, I've never read the entire Bible through before this past year.  God's Word is pretty cool!

Did I understand everything I read? No.  Did I learn a lot? Yes!  Nehemiah is my new hero.  I loved reading that girls worked on the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:12.)  I quietly celebrated this milestone by getting a new Bible for myself.  I love my old Bible (Scofield KJV) but many of my friends  have been recommending the ESV Study Bible so I chose this as my reward. I'm not setting it aside to use it only on Sundays but have challenged myself again to read through the Bible this next year with the additional challenge to pray for the entire world this year.  Sometimes I can only meet one challenge at a time.  Now that the Bible reading is a habit, adding in prayer for the world won't be as hard.  Yeah, there'll be a lot more books for me to take with me on trips but getting into into His Word and praying for His world is important.

What milestones have you reached in your life?  Have you set goals and met them?  I challenge you to look at the Radical Experiment.  Meeting all 5 challenges can be difficult but if you were to only pick one challenge, I strongly urge you to read the Bible through in a year.  The long list of "begats" in the Old Testament can drive you nuts but have a study Bible nearby and that might help make sense of the lineages you read.  Reading the Word can only help bring you closer to God.

Read the Bible. You'll be glad you did!

Sister Jane

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Being Like Epaphras

"Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God." Colossians 4:12 (ESV)

A couple months ago I was able to speak at a ladies event at my church.  I was surprised to be asked and thankful for the opportunity.  In God's awesome way He knew that I was going to do this and provided me with lots of time to prepare.  I sought out a pastor friend for suggestions on scripture passages and I humbly received two of his sets of sermon notes.  What a great starting point those sermons turned out to be!

As I would sit through Sunday School and church services and while reading my Bible at night, I would come across scripture that dealt with prayer and write it down on a list.  I happened to be doing a lot of reading through the Old Testament at the time and so as I prepared my "sermon" many of the verses were from the OT.  Sometimes we Christians forget that the Old Testament has a wealth of knowledge and information.  The old covenant pointed to the new covenant.

Anywho, I'm getting away from the intent of this post.  Let's get back on track, shall we...

I find this verse about Epaphras powerful.  I start to ask myself lots of questions as I reflect on this verse.  Do I pray for others? How do I pray for others? Am I praying that others grow mature in their walk with the Lord? Am I praying that God's will be done?  Often I am unable to answer these questions in the way they should be answered.  Humbling, but not in a good way.

My walk with Christ continues to grow; this is as it should be.  If it wasn't growing, I better be dead.  The example of Epaphras reminds me that I have a lot of growing to do.  My challenge to myself and to those who read this blog is to follow Epaphras' example: pray for others to mature and be in the will of God.

Are you up to the challenge?

Sister Jane