The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Psalms 19:8
Dear Sisters,
A small goal was accomplished last week. Remember back in 2012 when we challenged each other to read through the Bible again in a year? I met that goal last week and, yeah, it took me over 2 years to do it. I confess that I let things get in the way of my reading plan, things that distracted me from maintaining the most important relationship a person can have - the one with my Savior and Lord.
The reason I titled this post "Do Pass Go" is because I've made the goal to read the Bible through again. Yes, I've "made it around the board" but that doesn't mean that I should stop. I need to continue to build my relationship with God and I can't do that unless I'm in His Word on a regular basis. I do like the plan that I used the past 2 years but I also know that picking a different plan for this time through is a good thing. It's like changing up where you usually go out on a date with your significant other. New things can bring renewed anticipation, renewed joy, renewed love.
My return back to more consistent Scripture reading has brought out a renewed desire to do deeper study in Scripture. Yea! I've had the thought to do this for a while but I have a hard time putting thoughts into action when there is a lack of desire. I'm thankful that the desire is there now so I can put thought into action. And being the person that I am, I have to find the resources to help me do it right or at least better than I have in the past. Please know that I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone but the Inductive Study Method from Precept Ministries International is really good. I've been using their topical studies in Sunday School and with another lady at church. I even have plans to join one of their online studies that starts next month. What I really like about their material and tools is that they are all about what the Word says. It's not that you can't use a commentary to learn more about what you're reading but that isn't the 1st thing that you read. Scripture is top priority, and shouldn't it be? The important thing that I need to do is more than just plan but to put the plan into action. Sometimes I'm not so good at the action part of plans.
Sisters, where are you on your relationship journey with Christ? Does it feel like it's lagging? I want to encourage you to set aside regular time to read God's Word. Hey, it took me over 2 years to complete a 1 year plan. If you fall away from your readings, don't give up! Get back on track and keep going forward. I can't count the number of times I ran across Scripture during my readings that comforted me when I needed comfort and instructed me when I needed instruction. I don't know exactly what God wants to use to comfort or instruction you from His Word but I do know that it is found in His Word.
There are tons of resources out there for reading plans. Some can even be set up to give you reminders on your smart phones on a daily basis. I'm a check list person so I like plans I can print out to mark on when I've completed that day's reading. Find something that works for you.
Get into the Word today and everyday!
Sister Jane
Psalms 18:30
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